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2077, Street 14/4 Jyotilane, Wazirabad New Delhi 110084

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What you receive

Have you ever considered that the solutions that are offered don’t fit your needs? Well-known vendors sell exorbitantly priced, intricate tools that are packed with unnecessary modules. Small apps lack essential components, making it impossible for them to properly satisfy all of your needs. Most well-known providers of off-the-shelf solutions demand additional costs for customization of their offerings. With 120+ projects successfully completed, we can assist anyone who needs dependable bespoke software development services. Our group is a trustworthy supplier that aspires to provide each and every client with profit and value. Send us an email, and we’ll set up an introduction call to discuss our portfolio and areas of expertise in the field you’re interested in.

Our Software development solutions

You should consider using outsourced software development services to get your project built professionally and affordably. By working with offshore developers, you may access a global talent pool, reduce expenses, and maintain security and quality.  We have a discovery phase before a well-organized SDLC. Our analysts strongly advise the latter to obtain the most exact requirements and communicate those to developers in an appropriate manner, eliminating any misunderstanding.

Designing infrastructure and architecture

Each solution is built upon a foundation of an infrastructure that consists of a set number of parts connected by a predetermined architecture. The foundation of any software is made up of both architecture and infrastructure. Senior architects have joined our team. Event-driven, layered, microservices, and other forms of architecture are all things they have experience with. So let's go to work on the ideal system that will guarantee the efficiency and security of your business operations.

Designing user interfaces and user experiences

Any application's usability—that is, how easy it is for a user to use it—is crucial to its success. Our designers are committed to producing user-friendly interfaces, much like our architects. They are prepared to engage extensively with project stakeholders in order to learn about all the needs. We are able to produce the solution that will add significant value to the business as a consequence of our thorough study and well-built design.

Engineering specific software

Coding is necessary to understand how infrastructure, architecture, and design interact. Any type of custom solution can be created by our engineers, including cross-platform, native, enterprise, desktop, web, and many more. Along with providing data warehouses and cloud migration services, we also incorporate cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, the internet of things, and many more.

Services for system integration

We offer first-rate integration services in addition to conventional custom goods. Consider using our experience if you wish to add some valuable feature to an existing system, such a multi-modular solution. Even with legacy infrastructures, we integrate many APIs, features, and modules. Because of this, this kind of job is likewise regarded as custom software development services

Automated and manual testing

Our items function smoothly because of their quality. Our QAs conduct a variety of manual and automated tests to guarantee the highest quality. Testers outline their plan and deliver it to a client before a project starts. They carry out all required tests, create use and test cases, and send out reports to all project stakeholders during execution. We may obtain goods with high performance, excellent usability, and outstanding security thanks to a well-organized testing approach.

Modernization of legacy apps

Some of our clients reach out to us for assistance with their antiquated systems. It specifically applies to banks, insurance firms, and financial institutions. These companies struggle with falling behind their rivals that were able to update their systems with cutting-edge technologies. Due to the specialized knowledge in data transfer required for system modernization, we have devoted teams who are aware of how to deal with such challenges effectively.

Experts in field

What makes us special?

With 120+ projects successfully completed, we can assist anyone who needs dependable bespoke software development services. Our group is a trustworthy supplier that aspires to provide each and every client with profit and value. Send us an email, and we'll set up an introduction call to discuss our portfolio and areas of expertise in the field you're interested in.

7 +
Years of operation
22 +
852 +
Satisfied Clients
96 %
Client Retention

Technology We Use

Our Software product development Procedure


The necessary paperwork must be signed in the first phase, and the first terms must be agreed upon; the following stages are crucial. We currently discuss the terms and conditions of our cooperation, decide how we want to work together, and get to know one another. The success of the project is ensured by close communication that is enabled by the launch.


Planning, also known as the discovery phase, is the time when all requirements are gathered and business gaps are examined. We may then conduct POC tests and create the MVP as part of our bespoke software development services to demonstrate the viability of your project idea. In the end, you receive a thorough roadmap outlining how the project will be carried out.


Execution encompasses more than just the actual engineering and coding tasks. Architecture and fundamental UI/UX design come first. Then, after developing interactive prototypes and reaching consensus with clients, we add graphics and other visual components and finally publish the finished product. Thorough testing and issue fixes are performed at every level.


After your problem has been solved, you can obtain specialized maintenance services. We offer individualized service, including on-call alternatives and 24-hour support. Before or after the project, maintenance duties might be regarded as a separate activity that calls for different kinds of cooperation and agreements.

Why to choose Dimagital Media?

We adhere to standards, time-tested guidelines, and open SDLC processes to deliver result-driven and effective custom software development services. You can also request additional technical help and upkeep.


Total command of any project

Unlike other suppliers, we encourage our clients to keep an eye on the progress of their projects, review task statuses and progress, request changes, provide feedback, and, if required, contact engineers.


Absence of irrational expenditure

You won't have to pay extra money for unused features or modules since we take a prudent approach to providing software research and development services. We provide the most cost-effective solution because our discovery process includes all inquiries and information needed to fully understand the desired objectives.


Regular updates and reports

We guarantee that everyone is on the same page because we create all of our solutions from scratch. As a result, you receive timely reports with important data, calls and meetings when you need them, and quick answers to all of your inquiries.

Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you considering contracting out for software development? In general, custom software product development enables building a digital solution from the ground up. Custom apps are different from prepackaged solutions that are the same for every clients. You may be confident that no one else on the market has the same solution if you order it. So, your competitive advantage increases.

In addition to fully customized tools, there are also customizable options. Instead of being created from scratch, they are instead updated and improved upon using preexisting solutions. You can alter specific elements, for instance, if your bank wishes to deploy Oracle FLEXCUBE but needs some technical adjustments.

Your edge over rivals is the most significant one. You can offer exclusive services and draw clients by presenting a solution that is distinct from those already in use. You can also acquire the most affordable software with just the features you require thanks to outsourced employees.

Since certain activities can be completed in two to three weeks and others take many years, we are unable to provide a clear answer to this question. We must assess the intricacy of the project and the scope of the work before we can give you a specific response. With this knowledge, we are able to provide you an expected time frame.

Absolutely no need exists for this. You don't need to be an expert in medicine to seek a dentist's services, after all. Because we are experts in software development, you don't need to be one as well. We are prepared to clarify any ambiguous situations and the purpose of each stage as we progress through the project. All you need to do your part is have a clear idea of the goals you want to accomplish with the chosen software. As a result, all you need to do is concentrate on your needs, and we will assist you in fulfilling them.

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